The last My Land performance abroad
Directed by Bence Vági, our Arts Director, the show has been performed 300 times in 13 countries and seen by over 100,000 people across Europe since its debut in 2018.
Directed by Bence Vági, our Arts Director, the show has been performed 300 times in 13 countries and seen by over 100,000 people across Europe since its debut in 2018.
Let’s celebrate together the over 250 years of circus arts traditions that live on, while always renewing and finding novel forms of expression to enchant generations after generations! #CircusIsOne Photo […]
Our company’s most recent immersive production, IMA (Pray) returns to the Müpa Tent this April. Premiering last year in the program of Bartók Spring, where it was a sold-out success, […]
In the 2022/23 winter season Müpa presents ‘Kristály’ in Budapest’s Millenáris. The immersive show evoking the magic of the winter holidays can be seen between the 6th of December and […]
The My Land – My Land? Ukrainian Acrobats Between Art and War (original title: Mein Land – Mein Land? Ukrainische Artisten zwischen Kunst und Krieg) documentary feature commissioned by the […]
The leading European art channel premiers the My Land – My Land? Ukrainian Acrobats Between Art and War (original title: Mein Land – Mein Land? Ukrainische Artisten zwischen Kunst und […]
My Land now continues touring in Norway: the show based on the personal stories of the 7 Ukrainian performers talks about their love for and devotion to their homeland, Ukraine. […]
Our brand-new show, IMA (Pray) was a sold-out success of Bartók Spring this April, where the pioneering immersive theatre experience received its premiere.
Our company’s new cirque danse production, IMA (Pray) premiers on 1st April 2022 in the program of the Bartók Spring International Arts Festival. Directed and choreographed by Bence Vági, artistic […]
Following its 5-month sold-out tour in France, My Land now continues touring in the Netherlands, where it is played in 23 theatres between 22nd March and 17th April 2022. The […]